Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Probably some local fisherman out for a pleasure cruise at night through eel infested waters.

They had been following at a steady pace for the last couple of days, but now the ship started to pull away from them. Since the engines were at full power already it was likely they weren't going to catch up. Kent had walked out on the the deck of the ship and was standing at the bow. Cripes, he thought, what had Purvish gotten himself into this time. Usually it was just a minor issue with his work performance or a drunken brawl at the bar, but his ability for getting into trouble had escalated in the past week. Or maybe it was just this family. After all he was on a boat owned by what was probably shell company that was based in England and dealt in nautical salvage.

A salty breeze made Kent hug himself as he stood there looking out at the fading ship. "Fuck it", he thought as he went back inside. Jogging down a set of stairs, he grabbed his coat off a peg. Then heading to the cargo hold he hit the door release and grabbed a set of keys. A voice came over an intercom set in the wall next to it. "What are you doing? Why is the cargo hold door open?"

Kent pressed the button to speak, " I'm taking the speedboat." he said it tersely as he quickly turned and ran for the boat. He grabbed a backpack along the way and hopped in the boat. The intercom voice protested but he was to focused on his plan as he used the remote to drop the boat out of the cargo doors. As the doors closed the intercom voice said, "Shit! I told you we should have kept him in his cabin."

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