Saturday, April 30, 2011


I never exactly saw the fist until it was colliding with my face. I saw stars as I fell to the earth, dazed by the horrific blow to my cheek. As I crashed to the cold, hard, unfeeling cement, I could think only one thing: this was going to suck. Terribly. That thought was reinforced as I felt another blow to my midsection, then a kick to my side, causing me to jerk. The baseball bat was a little much cracking against my shoulder, as were the stomps I received to the head. I could feel my nose being broken, a spectacular cracking noise ringing out into the night as I felt blood flow freely across my face. My words purely accentuated my thoughts.

"OW!!! FUCK!!! GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" were some of the words pouring from my mouth before it lost quite a bit of teeth. So why am I explaining it to you so calmly? Well, let's just say my attackers that night got so much more coming to them then what they did to me...

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