Sunday, May 29, 2011

So much fun.

As she reached the door she was doing her best to hold back a giggle fit. It was terrible the way she was teasing him. Of course she hadn't done anything to him while he was asleep. Aside from testing his blood. She was making sure he had the genetic markers that she suspected. As for tying him to the bed, she really only did that so he wouldn't hurt himself. He was pretty messed up when she brought him here, he was twitching a lot and she worried he might have brain damage. But after a quick scan of his neural pathways, she found it was just muscle damage. So while he was passed out, she had an acupuncture therapist work on him. Most of his twitching stopped after that, his body was still pretty tense though. So she laid next to him for a while, cuddling in close and his body had finally relaxed. When that happened she left his side and went to take care of some other business.
When she got off the bed the fire place ignited into bright blue flames and several tentacles, scaly and red, slinked out. Followed by an sad echoing voice. "Is he suited for our purposes?"

"Yes." She replied. "As soon as he recovers from the terrible beating they put him through we should be able to proceed with his initiation."

"Good, things have been getting worse much faster than we had expected, if we can prepare him quickly, perhaps we can get out of this without any lasting damage. Do what you can Naida."

"Of course Echo, I will get everything ready." She turned hearing movement from the bed. "He's awake." The fires died out with a woosh while she walked over and pulled back the curtain. " Oh goody! My toy's awake!" She smiled.

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