Sunday, May 11, 2014

Scratch that. My entire fucking family hates me.... Wheres the scotch?

After a few hours of explanation, I think I finally understand what is going on here. "So let me get this straight. Naida is well over a few thousand years old, some group you call The Organization was studying her and you, Dad, broke her out and stole all their research? And in that research was some extract from her blood that somehow, and you wont tell me because you are a sadistic asshole, I ingested as a kid? And The Organization found out that I ingested it, and wanted to kidnap me for research? So you abandoned the three of us, me, mom and Kent in new york in a safe house for protection, telling me and my brother to get fucked, beating me a couple times before you left, and then going about your day? All the while you amassed resources to protect us, and when they found us, you attempted to make it look like we all died, but I wasn't home, so you allowed me and only me, to think my whole family was dead, and then took mom and Kent into your little order of freako's and just watched me jack off for the past 5 years? Is that all? Did I miss something?"

"Well that about sums it up. A little twisted of you to say I would ever beat my dearly loved son." Trent started to speak

"You took a bat to his rib cage and kicked him in the head and watched him heal up before your eyes due to whatever it was that was in the vial he drank as a kid. You are an asshole Dad." Kent corrected

"If I even drank it, sick fuck probably fed it to me." I grunted against the duct tape holding me to the chair.

"I would never.... Well, now that you mention it.... Nah. I definitely didnt put the bottle cap on the wrong bottle and mistakenly give it to you on purpose or anything. Im not that sadistic of a man." Trent laughed

"Fuck you" I said through clenched teeth.

"Whatever, so I take it She is on the ship you came from?" Trent asked Kent.

"Actually, she is on the island waiting for us" Kent replied

"What island?" I asked now confused

"Well, it isnt really an island persay. More like, an isolated area of the world cut off from everything else that might as well be referred to as one." Trent spoke from behind me cutting the duct tape. "Behave will you? The guards can be far more brutal than I ever was." he whispered in my ear.

Scoffing I turned to him and gave him a hug "If it werent for my bruther right there, the knife I have pressed against your balls would find its way into your flesh old man" I whispered in his ear

"Behave youngster, you have alot to learn" he said calmly, and with that I was on my ass and he hadnt moved.

"Enough you two. I get it, one has daddy issues, and the other loves having a regenerating toy. But now isnt the time for such stupidity" Naida said coming back from the bathroom

~~~~~~~~ Several hours later of family bonding time......~~~~~~~~

"So I can regenerate? But to do so I basically knock myself out?" I asked completely bewildered.

"Pretty much. I can as well, but much faster, and of course, I dont exactly go all epileptic when I do." Naida giggled at me. We were back in the sparing area from earlier. Now that I knew my dad was watching me get my ass handed to me, it almost felt rather sadistic. He always was getting off on my pain. Fuckin asshole.

"So why are we down here causing me pain again?" I asked nursing a bad pain in my jaw from a rather fast right hook she gave me only a few moments prior.

"Because we need to teach you to not black out from pain silly. And because Trent isnt the only one who gets off on you squirming." she grunted kicking me in the chest making me fly back 10 feet into a wall and then pressing me to it by my throat. "But I just love that look on your face."

"What look?" I asked groaning in pain

"That look telling me to fuck off"

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