Tuesday, May 3, 2011


It seems I got a little side tracked there for a moment. I don't understand why i was telling you about how i came to be in this hell hole three years ago. Possibly i suffered some sort of trauma to my brain when that crowbar hit me upside the head. What crowbar you ask? Well there was a crowbar, or at least i think there was one... Where was i? Ah yes.

As i was saying before my dreary trip down memory lane.. My attackers knew not what awaited them this night. Mind you, i in no way, should have been getting my ass beat, and i did not need what follows either, i had the situation completely under control. Just saying.

Just as i was losing consciousness because i was getting kicked and beat upside the head with a 2by4 i began to hear a pair of soft, steady footsteps approaching. the 6 or 7 men brutalizing me as i lay upon the asphalt in the fetal position had no idea that the woman was approaching them from behind, nor did they know she was giggling to herself as she watched them beat the man she had her eyes on for quite some time.

"Hey boys, having fun? Why not come over here," she says as she stops a few feet away, "and play with someone with a little more... Fight in them" she giggled as she licked her lips.

Two of the men stopped immediately when they heard her voice, the others continued to beat me until she stopped speaking. Only one idiot still remained who continued to kick me in the ass, but was paying more attention to the woman.

"Thats right, dont look away now, you wouldnt want to miss anything now." She smiled as i watched one of the men collapse on the floor, blood leaking from his eye sockets.

"Oh, Im sorry, did I do that? I told him to pay attention. You all saw what happened didnt you?" she asked slyly, as if to be seductively sarcastic. And witht hat, she pulled a nail filer from her jeans pocket, and began to file the nails of her right hand.

"Why you bitch!" yelled one of the men who rushed the woman, fist drawn back. "Ill kill you!" shouted another who ran at her as well.

the woman smiled, and without moving, the two men fell sliced to pieces, to the ground at her feet. "oh dear, now i warned you." she said. "Oh no! theres blood on my new shoes! I just got these today. Oh well... "she moaned.

The remaining guys took off running. And as they ran i grabbed the leg of the guy who was standing next to me, no longer kicking, but in shock at what he just saw, and i pulled him to the ground, and gouged out his eyes. "MOTHERFUCKER!!!!" i screamed as loud as i could.

The last thing i remember, was the girl standing over me smiling. "Hmm... I think i found a new pet!" and then all was dark........

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