Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Recap and Sanity Check.

Okay, so first I was beaten til I was bloody which must have must have knocked something loose as I started remembering my first day in this hellish town, and then she showed up, and then everyone was dead. Believe it or not, that happens a lot around her. Then I passed out. W,hen I woke up, I was in a considerably more pleasant place even if I was still horizontal.

When I opened my eyes, things were, of course, fuzzy until my eyes finally decided they were as curious about my surroundings as my brain. I saw that I was surrounded on all sides by white satiny curtains. It took me a bit before I realized that I was laying on a four poster bed. As I tried to sit up two more things became painfully clear. The first was that I really shouldn't be trying to sit up at the moment as my head was pounding like bad techno. The second was that I was tied to the bed.

The fact that I was tied to the bed didn't bother me to much since I was starting to rediscover how much pain I was in. What was starting to bother me was the strange silhouettes I was seeing just beyond the curtains. They brought to mind thoughts of the old ones. If you don't understand that just think of an octopus but ten times larger, five times smarter, and a habit of driving people insane just by knowing they exist.

My heart started pounding, which made my head start pounding more, so I let out a low groan which caught the attention of whatever was on the other side of the curtain. The satiny fabric was thrown back revealing the woman from before. "Oh goody! My toy's awake!" she smiled as she crawled on the bed next to me. I didn't know exactly was she was up to, but when I recognized the feeling of flesh upon flesh it dawned on me that both her and I were naked.

"Toy?" I asked. I could think of worse things to be than the toy of such a beautiful woman. But then it occurred to me as she crawled up my body, that she was holding a straight razor in one hand. "I sincerely hope you don't like to play to rough."

She smiled "That's all a matter of perception sugar." She brought up the razor and deftly slide it across my chest. I shivered at the coldness of the blade, and the small amount of blood that welled up in the shallow cut. My body couldn't handle the physical excitement that it was trying to get ready for and I passed out. . .again. 

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