Tuesday, January 24, 2012

first immortality and then the.....

"Look kid, it is very simple. Once your eyes divert their attention from my breasts, we shall continue. Good, now look here" she told him, unsure if he was really paying attention. "All you have to do is" she snapped her fingers this time. "Pay attention." she was starting to get annoyed. I'm starting to think he wants to get punched..... "Alright as I was saying that this ship operates off of kinetics. The more movement in this room, the faster, and more constant the speed of the ship. If you look at this right here," she said tossing him an ARC rig. "What the hell is this?" he said after catching it and staring at it with wonder in his eyes. "That would be an ARC rig, keep it on you, it might come in handy. At the moment it is set to show you the speed of the ship, which is decelerating." she answered, unsure if he even understood that as his gaze was once again on her breasts. "Look, if you look at my breast one more time, ill break your nose. Got it?" "Yea, crystal clear." he said taking a step back. Before she realized she must have stepped right in his face and given him her signature look.

for the next couple of hours she explained to him about the ARC and how it and the ship worked. She taught him what he needed to do to make the ship accelerate, and a couple of the basic functions of his ARC. "Can it browse the internet?" he asked suddenly staring it down. After all, it was basically a mini computer the size of an iPod strapped to his wrist. "I... I suppose you could but, i dont see why you wou-" "Wheres the bathroom?" he cut her off. "Its over there, the door on the left" she pointed. "Be right back!" he said taking off faster then she had seen him run this entire time.

"What are yo- HEY! Get back here thats not what thats for!" she screamed chasing him after realizing what he was about to do.

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