Tuesday, April 22, 2014

If I had a nickel for every motherfu-

It was then, and only then, that I realized that there was someone on top of me. A familiar weight, and curvature of the posterior gave it away as to who it was.

"Naida, glad to have you on top of me, but my asshole father is in the room." I grunted pushing her off of me. "Alright pops," I said standing to my feet, "Start talking."

The man just looked at me, judging me with his eyes. Those fucking eyes. I had no idea why I was so angry at him. All my life I had wanted to finally see my dad, and here he was. Yet all I wanted to do is sink my fist into his smug face. Those fucking eyes. Same as mine. Like a mirror into my own internal hell. Just as I was about to speak again, he stood up.

"I gotta tell ya, you are exactly as I picture you would be. Stupid." He said with a laugh "Look motherfucker, what is the big idea-" "Silence for a moment, I wasn't done." I heard him say as Naida's hand smacked me on the back of the head. "I told you to watch your mouth remember?" she whispered in my ear. "Naida, it's alright. Look Purvish... Ah hell, I can not call you that. Why your mother changed your name I will never know. Curtis, wait...." Suddenly the man erupted into laughter.

"Did you say your mother died when your apartment building imploded?" He spoke through his laughter falling back into his chair. After a moment of regaining his composure he turned to look at me. "Now wipe that look off your face, It isn't what you think. I wasn't laughing about Rose dying. I was laughing because you think she is dead"

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